Filed Under (Beninese culture, General) by Rob on 08-10-2006

Recently, Rob found some FAB material and couldn’t resist having an outfit made from it…

In fact, there was enough material for Micah to have a matching outfit too! So, here are the new outfits – what d’you think?


I know there’s one lady in our home church in Ampthill who has a wonderful multi-coloured frog fleece. Maybe she’d like me to send her one of these too (to wear when shopping in Waitrose???)

This is one of the great things about life in Africa (especially for folks who love vivid colours) – no outfit is too bright or outlandish to wear in public! You only need to attend an African church on a Sunday to see a huge array of brighly-coloured outfits, with designs including: a range of animals, letters and numbers, faces of presidents, musical notes and even lightbulbs, hair brushes or knives and forks!! Why are the British so set on plain navy blue, black and grey?!?


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